Dear Brothers and Sisters,
This weekend we celebrate the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ into heaven, and thanks be to God we are able to gather if only in a limited way. I have been very concerned that many people are finding it hard to get the information that we are putting out through social media and the bulletin. This will be mailed directly to those who do not have email. In my last mailer I asked everyone to notify the office of their preferred way to be contacted; the lack of response was disappointing to say the least. This will be emailed to everyone that has shared their email with our parish office and mailed to those who have not. Hopefully those folks that we do not have any contact information for will see it on social media or you will tell them. We are not publishing Mass times in the bulletin for May because they are still by reservation and a few are invitation only. Beginning in June we will have a regular Mass schedule that is very close to the Mass schedule that we had before the closure. Weekend Masses will be in the GYM. We will be having trainings for ministers, please volunteer. One of the best ways to keep up with the constantly changing plan is with the MyParish app. We send out notifications so if you have the app it is important to enable push notifications, you will have to go to settings to do so. You might need your Great Grandchild to help you. If you do not have the app please install it. Remember we have that you can access our Facebook page and YouTube channel from links right here on our website. Please call the office whenever you have questions. We forward the calls to the rectory when the office is closed for the day so that we can get your messages in a more timely fashion. Please if you know of anyone that is feeling isolated reach out to them and let us know who they are so that we can also. Know that we are praying for you at this time and please pray for us!
Your Brother in Christ,
Fr. Louie Shea