Dearly beloved in Christ, in this time we have many things to worry about. Know that Fr. Prakash and I are praying for you all. Please continue to pray for us.
I want you all to know of the ways we are reaching out on-line through social media.
- We have a Facebook page, St Margaret’s Catholic Church
- We have a Youtube Channel named, Fr. Louie Shea, St Margaret Riverton WY, I know that is long but the longer the channel name the better for finding it in a youtube search, and often it will come up before you have finished typing Margaret.
- You can download the MyParish app on your smartphone and other mobile devices. (Android) (Apple)
- We are also making DVDs for people that do not have internet access. So if you know of someone that would like to get DVDs please let us know and we will make that happen.
.If you are a Facebook person please “like” and “follow” our Facebook page. If you watch the YouTube stuff please “subscribe” to the channel.
Our office is open our normal hours, we encourage you at this time to call in as we work to obey the social distancing guidelines, but of course if you need to come by, please do so. The church remains open for private prayer, please obey social distancing and be aware of hand hygiene precautions.
I wanted to share these two prayers from Tammy Skala with you. She works in our chancery office and began and ended an online meeting we had recently with these two wonderful prayers:
Dear God, we need You today. We acknowledge that we cannot do all. We depend on You to help us get to where we need to go. Help us not to get discouraged. We know Your way is perfect. When our hearts are overwhelmed, overwhelm us with Your peace. Lead us to You, our rock. Guide us to Your word which gives us strength and refuge. Help us not to run to lesser things. Draw us to run to You first. Help us get into the habit of taking our “overwhelmed” and placing it under your will. Please give us the strength to endure this situation, and to find the blessings and lessons that it contains. Please give us the endurance to continue ahead. Please guide our thoughts, words and actions, so that we walk your path of peace and love. Thank you Lord in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
In a world so wired and interconnected, our anxious hearts are pummeled by an endless barrage of troubling news. We are daily aware of more grief, O Lord, than we can rightly consider, of more suffering than we can respond to, of more anxiety, depression and fear than we can engage with compassion. But you O Jesus, are not disquieted by such news. You are neither anxious nor overwhelmed. You carried the full weight of the suffering of a broken world when you hung upon the cross, and you carry it still. Guard us then from shutting down our empathy or walling off our hearts because of the excess misery that floods our awareness. You have many children in many places around this globe. Move each of our hearts to compassionately respond to those needs that intersect our actual lives. Give us discernment in the face of troubling news reports. Give us discernment to know when to pray, when to speak out, when to act, and when to simply shut off our screens and our devices, and to sit quietly in your presence, casting the burdens of this world upon the strong shoulders of the one who alone is able to bear them up. Amen
One suggestion that I would make is rather than turning off the screens: tune into my YouTube channel! 

Your Brother in Christ
Fr. Louie